[Tragelaphus strepsiceros]
Habitat: Woodland
Height: 3.2 to 5.2 feet at the shoulder
Weight: 265-787 lbs
Max Lifespan: 20 years
Gestation Period: 8 months
Number of Young: 1
Horns: Male
Conservation Status: Least Concern
– During the day they typically cease to be active.
– Predators tend to be Lions, leopards and cheetahs.
– Females form herds of 6-20 while males tend to be more solitary.
– A herd can encompass 800 to 1,500 acres and spend an average of 54% of the day foraging for food.
– The horns of greater kudus are commonly used to make Shofars, a Jewish ritual horn blown at Rosh Hashanah.
– Kudu dung spitting is a sport in some parts of Africa. In the competition small, hard pellets of dung from the kudu are spat, with the farthest distance reached being the winner.