Brights Zoo Wildflowers

Brights Zoo has been working on beautiful new floral garden areas. The zoo hopes with the planting of these areas we can help with the area pollinators such as bees, butterflies, moths, birds, and bats. One of the world’s most important pollinators, Bees, has had declining numbers for several years now. We hope with the addition of the gardens we can provide a food supply that will help this area’s pollinators flourish. Butterflies, bats, moths, birds, and bees pollinate over 75 percent of flowering plants. Domestic honey bees play a critical role in the United States’ agricultural crops.

Here are a few of the flowers that can be seen
The Coneflower
The Helianthella
The Indian Blanket
The Common Sunflower
The Golden Tickseed
The Cynoglossum Amabile
The Garden Cosmos