[Bubo bubo]
Habitat: northern coniferous forests, taiga,
rocky coast lines, steppe and grasslands
Wingspan: 63–74″
Weight: 3.3-9.3 lb
Average Lifespan: 15-20 years
Incubation Period: 31-36 days
Number of Young: 1-4
Conservation Status: Least Concern
– Active mainly from dusk to dawn.
– Flight is noiseless.
– Rocky landscapes or cliffs are favored nesting sites.
– The male’s call is a deep,”oohu-oohu-oohu”, and the female’s is slightly higher than the male’s.
– When threatened, they may bark and growl.
– It is sometimes referred to as the world’s largest owl.
– Fledged young are cared for by both parents for around 20–24 weeks.