Field Trip Form

Education Group Registration Form
Parents and Siblings must purchase tickets in gift shop!

  • Please confirm the visit date before making plans with your group.Please Keep in Mind:
    • NOTE: Guided education tours are no longer available after May 1st, 2015.
    • • Fifteen or more paid student admissions are required to qualify for the education group rate, and one lump sum payment must be received for all students and teachers in the education group.
    • • Additional guests like parents, siblings and grandparents can purchase tickets at the Gift Shop (sales tax applies).
    • • To receive the education group rate, no other discounts can be applied. Full payment is due upon arrival. No purchase orders. We will not be sending invoices, Payment will be expected upon your arrival. 
    • • Groups larger than 60 people must be approved by the zoo administrator and giraffe feedings are not available to those groups.
    • • Visits are scheduled based on the availability of the date(s) requested.
    • • A confirmation will be sent upon receipt of completed materials. Please allow 24 hours to process your request.
    • • Once a group enters the zoo, Brights Zoo does not offer rain checks.
    • • Splitting into small groups is permissible as long as a teacher accompanies each group of students age 15 and under.
    • • Education groups that reserve a visit date, but are unable to attend, must cancel at least 2 weeks in advance, or be invoiced for 25% of the estimated amount. This policy does not apply to weather cancellations provided the zoo is contacted before the group is scheduled to arrive.
      • Brights Zoo now has a scavenger hunt! You can print directly from our website or request one from our gift shop. Teachers that want their kids to participate will need their students to bring a clipboard and a pencil. The answer guide can be picked up in our gift shop during your visit.
      • No food will be allowed into the zoo. There are picnic tables in the parking area that allow for students to pack their lunch.
    • • In order to get education/student rate child must be part of the classroom visiting the zoo.     Bus drivers and teachers bringing their own children can purchase their tickets through the gift shop.
    • • To receive teachers rates – Teacher must have a valid school badge and must be assigned to the classroom attending the field trip.      Room moms are not eligible for teacher rates.
  • Students under 16 must be accompanied by an adult at all times while in the zoo
Education Group Prices & Attendance Estimate (if tax exempt and paid in lump sum, then no sales tax will be added)
This section is for best guest on how many parents, grandparents and siblings will be attending. Please ask them to show up at least 20 minutes prior to your field trip to purchase their tickets into the zoo at the rates below. Note: Check in time for your group will run much quicker if your parents, grandparents and siblings pay at the gate before your bus arrives.
This is simply a best guess.
If ticket purchased at window, then sales tax is applied
If your group would like to participate in animal feedings for $3 per student, per feeding, then please estimate the number of feedings, so we can plan accordingly. Feedings for groups over 60 must be approved by zoo administrator. Giraffe and Budgie feedings are offered multiple times a day. Feedings are non refundable.
Gemstone and Fossil Mining Options: For More Options Please Contact the Brights Zoo Gift Shop!
The $5 per rider includes tax. If you are tax exempt the cost is $4.57
Note: Please remember no outside food or drinks are allowed inside the zoo.
Please keep in mind that if we have multiple groups booked we try and space out lunch times by 30 minutes.
This lets us know if parents will be allowed to attend the field trip. Parents should not be included in the school check.
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